Do Video Games Make Depression Worse?

Phil Owen at Kotaku writes:”Until recently, I had never considered the idea that my gaming habit, which could charitably be described as heavy, could be harmful to my mental health. It wasn’t just that I dismissed that idea; the idea had never popped into my head.But as psychological professionals debate whether or not “gaming addiction” should be listed as a condition in the next update to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the psychological Bible)—and as I finally take my mental health seriously—I am reevaluating that idea. I’m reevaluating it, even though my psychiatrist and my therapist have never discussed gaming as an issue.Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot of scientific data, in the form of psychological studies, to help me out in my journey of self-discovery. There are, however, a few researchers who are intent on studying the possible link between gaming and mental disorders like depression. I spoke with two of them to get a more p… (Culture, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

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