Dr. Geek: The Indie World of Chicagoland

CarrieLynn of Clearance Bin Review writes, “At the C2E2 extravaganza that was last weekend, there were panels on the game development industry in the Chicago area. These panels ostensibly had two roles: to let the con-goers know that yes, there is a game development industry still around in Chicago, and to discuss just what that industry currently looks like. What also emerged from the panels were discussions about how to become, and survive as, an independent game designer. As we here at CBR are currently experiencing an Indie Invasion!, I thought it would be a good time to reflect upon Chicagoland’s game development industry, and how they see their community of independent game developers as important to the continuance of the whole industry.” (Android, Culture, Industry, iPad, iPhone, Midway, NetherRealm Studios, Octodad, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

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