“Turn Based is finally back in rotation, and you can expect an episode every two weeks. The pattern will now be Co-op, Turn Based, Co-op, Turn Based; you get the idea. Since this is a catch up episode we decided to suspend the Spotlight and upcoming discussions and just speak on a couple key RPG topics that have been on our mind.We touch on the announcement of Mass Effect 4, and what we expect from the game. Do you have any hope for the game? let us know in the comments. We also discussed Dragon Age 3 in more detail, basing the discussion off my controversial article. David puts us onto Ni No Kuni, an up and coming PS3 title. And we also discuss how platforms such as the Playstation Vita and Wii U could revolutionize the RPG genre.” (BioWare, Dev, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, EA, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 4, Next-Gen, NI NO KUNI Wrath of the White Witch, PC, PS Vita, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360)
Go here to read the rest: The Koalition: Turn Based, The RPG Podcast Episode 11 – Why We Have No Hope for Mass Effect 4