That only leaves 28… What are we to do? You made your point well my friend, consider that a victory in an otherwise banal existence. Life will be sweeter for you from this point onwards. Bugles will solute you as you return home in triumph, your head held high and your status enhanced. Friends will no longer cross the street to avoid you but will instead run to meet you, arms held wide. They will heft you up onto their shoulders and march you through the streets, echoing the mantra that has made you immortal:’Well, Agent, FFvsXIII and TLG are on this list since 2009.Okami HD is a stretch as well if you ask me – It is a late port from a game that already released (2006 PS2, 2008 Wii)’Beautiful… I wipe away a tear, I kid you not. Seldom do I see such wit and poetry woven so effortlessly together.
Go here to read the rest: 32 upcoming PlayStation exclusives in date order