Black Friday – a gamer’s dream day where one gets to load up on video games at great prices to, hopefully, last all through the winter VG hibernation period. It’s also time to save mega money on the hottest games of the year.Rather than chasing ads and articles all over the Internet we’ve created the Ultimate Black Friday 2012 Video Gaming List where all the deals can be accessed in one place. Now 4 years in the running. (3DS, Android, Black Friday, iPad, iPhone, Mobile, Nintendo DS, PC, PS Vita, PS3, PSP, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360)
Update Fixed some $$$ and typos – thanks Relientk77, MattyG, cpayne93Updated store and sales times.Updated official ads links for Walmart, Best Buy, Kmart
Follow this link: The Ultimate Black Friday 2012 Video Gaming List