USA Weekly Chart 10th Nov 2012

@Dante112,SONY wouldnt say this in a letter to its share holders! M$ did! They told the world at E3 they led The WORLD in console sales(2011)! See, a statement like that if not true would trigger a lawsuit! Attach a name to SONY’s briefings…How can you catch M$ in a half year? And still layoff & close development houses? No, this is a mindshare report to excite the SONY Fanbase.Truth is in a companies parts:LBP Carting- 55,000 units sold in 1st week!SONY Move sales were also fabricated: no one is buying games for that!So much for an exclusive!M$ has led the competition in consecutive months spanning 2 years, no way in hell SONY is anywhere near M$’s 360.

See the article here: USA Weekly Chart 10th Nov 2012

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