The Ever Expanding World of Monster Hunter Has a Store

How big the fan base is for Monster Hunter is something that might puzzle you. In fact, with Monster Hunter Tri being the largest third party selling game on the Wii in Japan, it’s bound to raise a brow or two. Not only that, but it is so popular that in Japan there are Hunter meetups and camps that have been organized where fellow hunters gathered together to, well, obviously play Monster Hunter together, mainly on the PSP (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite series). Its success in Japan is also spreading to western cultures with Saturday nights online community being in it’s thousands on the Europe and Australia/New Zealand servers. And with the anticipation for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on its way to stores in March 2013, what else could be more exciting? (Capcom, Culture, Monster Hunter 2, Monster Hunter 3, Monster Hunter 3rd, PS2, PSP, Wii)

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