Painkiller’s gameplay will be familiar to anyone who grew up on Doom and Quake. You go from room to gruesome room committing mass murder against all manner of wacky demons, witches, ghosts, skeletons and other spooky shit. The range on offer is at least varied, although never seems to break the standard hell/demon/monster mode that often.The weapons are the real stars here. You begin with a beastly shotgun as your basic weapon and it only goes up from there. A vicious spinning mêlée claw thing, a stake launcher and a rocket laucher/mini-gun combo are just a few of the tools on offer, and they all allow you to mulch through the waves and waves of enemies with immense enjoyment. There’s always a plentiful supply of ammo as well. (Painkiller Hell & Damnation, PS3, Xbox 360) –
Read more here: Review: Painkiller Hell & Damnation (This Is My Joystick)