Assassins Creed 3: Game Review

To start off, I am a fan of the Assassin Creed games and think that they are one of the highlights of this generation of gaming. I thought the first Assassins Creed was a very ambitious game, but sadly didn’t reach its full potential. The second game in the series was a huge improvement! Brotherhood (the third game), is probably the strongest entry of the first four. The fourth, Revalations, was a bit of a let down.

Now lets talk about Assassins Creed 3! Well, its absolutely an amazing game. The franchise has been taken a new direction, to America. Taking place during the Revolutionary War. You play as Connor, a native American. This game takes you on an emotional journey that concludes Desmond’s story arch. Switching back and fourth from Connor to Desmond was the best as its ever been and wasn’t a dread. The story is pretty much Desmond trying to save the world and he can only do so by discovering certain things in his ancestors memories. This is by far the most interesting Assassins Creed game and I found myself actually caring for Connor.

The game play is for the most part, super identical to all the other Assassins Creed games before it. You hold down a button to run and climb on things, a button to jump, a button to attack, and a button to counter. Even though its the same, its the most fluid. The fighting is still not that big of a challenge. Most enemies wait their turn to be killed. This isn’t a complaint, because its very fun watching yourself rake down enemies.

The graphics are a huge highlight in this game. They are clearly a lot better then all the other games in the series. All the textures look smooth and the lighting is pretty great, it makes the game look a whole lot better. Most character models look great, although some look very bland. The only problem with the graphics I had was with the shadows. For example a shadow on your face that your nose would cast onto your cheek, because of the way light is hitting the characters face. Sometimes it would glitch out and move a lot. But other than that, this is one of the best looking games this generation.

The game took me 12 hours to complete. I only played the main missions and a few side missions. But I’m sure if you tried to get 100% memory sequence and do all the side missions, this would easily be a 25+ hour game. I also played the Benedict Arnold missions (exclusive to PlayStation). Its a very dull side mission, that only take about 30 minutes to complete.

Overall, I felt like Connors story was very developed. You play with him from his early childhood all the way to him being an adult. I thought his story was well told and well concluded and had a fantastic ending. Desmond’s story on the other hand, was a bit of a let down. The mission with Desmond include, finding these batteries to open a doorway. The missions just throw you a whole bunch of enemies and gives you a pretty easy path to follow. I thought the end of his story was a cop out. Its sad when Connors story is told and ended in one game and you feel more for him, when Desmond’s story spends five games and you don’t really give a crap about him.

Final Score: 9.0

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