lol, believe it or not, having to deal with multiple discs is something to be expected these days, on 360.LA Noire had, what?, 3 discs.Halo 4 has improved on the issue greatly. Once you install the 2nd disc, you no longer are required to swap, at all.I imagine GTA will have 2 discs. With possibly the latter locations on the second disc. Considering that people will want to travel between locations without swapping, R* better implement a similar install+discard method like 343i has managed.Otherwise, it may be split SP on one disc, and MP on another. Not exactly the end of the world.And, to your original comment about properties. I hated how in IV you “unlocked” safehouses, and there was extremely littt choice, if at all, of which ones you got.In San Andreas, I LOVED saving up money, and deciding which house I wanted, and whether I’d save up for the one with two garages, or the one by the beach, ect.
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