Thirty independent game developers have teamed up to help fund a new creative space in Los Angeles that’s dedicated to video games.
The LA Game Space will be designed as a non-profit centre for video game art, design, and research, offering exhibitions, workshops, and residencies available both at the site and online. The project has been underway for three years, and has enlisted the help of 30 independent game developers to launch a Kickstarter campaign to help with funding.
Each developer enlisted in the campaign, including the minds behind games such as Hotline Miami, Unfinished Swan, QWOP, and the Bit.Trip series, will develop a new game specifically for the project.
A game pack that will include all 30 games will be available for $15. For those wishing to donate more, other prizes include a founder credit, t-shirts, colour prints, and pixel portraits.
The campaign has amassed just over $35,000 of the $250,000 goal, and is due to finish on December 7. According to the developers, all 30 games in the pack will work with Windows, Mac, and, for the most part, Linux.
For more information, visit the LA Game Space Kickstarter page.